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Take care of your body with the right supplements and nutrients

Training for your next triathlon or half marathon? Take care of your body with the right supplements and nutrients

Training for a triathlon or marathon are both labour intensive and require great amounts of energy in both training and on race day. Ensuring you are fuelling your body correctly to set you up for success is fundamental to your performance and continued improvements. Get started on the right foot straight away with supplements that will boost your performance and give you the best possible chance of achieving your goals.  

Below are 4 supplements that are great for maintaining energy, supporting recovery and overall wellness/nutrition. 

BCCAs are part of a group of 21 amino acids that are the building blocks of protein, which play critical roles in the body. Amino acids help in the synthesis of hormones and neurotransmitters, build muscle, regulate your immune system and repair muscle damage, among other things [1]. ZEN Fit [2] has a rich source of amino acids, which aid with muscle recovery as well as with the digestion of proteins. They are also important for burning fat and helping to lift your mood. 

Protein Powders
Protein is important for the body as a recovery source, along with many other functions. When you consume protein, it gets broken down into amino acids, which are then used to recover any damage that has been done to your muscles. When you consume protein, it essentially gets broken down into amino acids which are then used by your body. Protein should be consumed within 30 minutes of the completion of your workout for best results and optimal recovery benefits [3]. ZEN Fuze [2] protein comes in Vanilla Bliss and Chocolate Dream flavours and contains 21g of proteins, 5 grams of fiber and 5 strains of probiotics, a great protein supplement that is quick and convenient after exercise. 

Calcium is fundamental to the health of your body, especially if you are an endurance athlete. Not only does it stabilize blood pressure, aid in muscle contraction and maintain bone/teeth health but its importance in the body is so great that your body will begin to pull calcium from your bones to ensure everything else functions optimally if you are lacking in the mineral. With regard to sport, if you want to continue to run for long distances and maintain optimal bone health and density you need to ensure you are getting an adequate calcium intake [4]. 

Magnesium is a highly essential mineral in the body for active people. It is important in aiding in energy creation, protein formation, gene maintenance, muscle movements, nervous system regulation and helps in muscle maintenance and recovery. In fact, approximately 60% of the magnesium in a person’s body is found in the bone; the rest is located in the muscles, soft tissues and fluids such as the bloodstream. Ensuring that you have enough magnesium in your body is vital to your training as an athlete as it will allow you to function and recover at an optimal level [5].

1 https://www.maritaradloff.com/blog/2020/4/27/should-runners-and-triathletes-use-bcaas  
2 www.jeunesseglobal.com/en-AU/zen 
3 https://marathonhandbook.com/protein-for-runners/ 
4 https://www.hss.edu/playbook/why-calcium-matters-for-sports-and-where-to-get-it/  
5 https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/10-proven-magnesium-benefits#TOC_TITLE_HDR_2